Welcome to Code Q&A

✔️ I'm a Staff Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience
✔️ I've worked at tiny startups, big startups and big public tech companies.
💰 And I'm answering coding questions!
I don't have all the answers but TBH ... I do have a lot of the answers. 😊
When I was first starting out, I remember not knowing how to get my foot in the door. I don't have a Computer Science degree and I had so many questions about how to get my first coding job.
Even after I got my first coding job, there was sooo much to learn. A read dozens books, watched hundreds conference talks, and worked on countless side projects to improve by coding skills (and for fun!)
That's why I created code q&a! I want to answer questions that will help people level up even faster than I did. If you are just learning to code or you are a Software Engineer with many years of experience, hopefully you will find something useful.